Posted by: Scott | Saturday, July 22, 2006

In memory: Harold Glen Engleman

I’m back in Cody now! Trust you followed the updates I posted on Sharper Iron.

The following is the eulogy that I delivered at Grandpa’s funeral, July 20, 2006. The extended obituary is now up. You may also want to see his tribute page provided by the funeral home.

When I think of Grandpa, I cannot help but think of Psalm 16:5-8:

The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a godly inheritance. I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Many of you here probably know that I am adopted. One thing that I appreciated about Grandpa, is that he never treated any of the grandkids different. We were all treated as if we were his own. One thing that I find interesting is that Mom tells me that no matter how old I get, I will always be her baby. On dad’s side, I am the oldest of the grandchildren, and on this side, I am the middle grandchild. I didn’t lack any attention as a “middle child,” so I think I faired out pretty good.

Over the past few days, I have had the privalege of going through Grandpa’s library with Uncle Russ. We came across many great books, but we also found his old sermon notes. As I was looking through those, I came across this quote from a sermon Grandpa preached July 17, 1966:

“When we remember all that the Lord has done for us, it draws praise for the past and confidence for the future.”

The past several days, I have recalled so many memories, all of them pleasant. Grandpa was a great man. He loved his family and his country; more importantly, his Savior and the Bible.

It was Grandpa’s love for the Lord Jesus that gave him a love for people. His love for people was because he wanted them to realize their need of the Savior who paid-in-full their penalty for their sin. Grandpa didn’t want them just to realize this need, but to act upon it and receive the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. If he were here today, he would want it no different.

Grandpa loved the Bible. As we went through Grandpa’s library, we came across a number of Bibles. Some were old and well-used, others were still fairly new, but they no doubt had been used at some point in time. Grandpa loved to teach and preach what the Bible said. More than that, he loved to study the Bible for himself. He wanted to do what it said and he lived out what it said.

Grandpa’s physical death came as a shock to us all. Sometimes you get to prepare yourself for the passing of a loved one, sometimes you don’t. Either way, you have to remember that God is in control. Grandpa’s belief in God’s sovereignty seemed almost unshakable. Not that he didn’t try to get wrong things corrected, but he maintained a belief that sooner or later the Lord would take care of it. He lived out the principle of taking it to the Lord in prayer.

Today, and perhaps for some time, those of us that are in Christ will have a grief in our hearts for Grandpa. This is not a grief of never getting to see him again, but a grief of missing him until we are reunited with him in Heaven.

Grandpa was an example to us all. That example didn’t die with him; it lives on in our memories. Micah 6:8 says

He has told you, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

This is the life that Grandpa lived. I am thankful to have seen a small portion of it. Well done, good and faithful servant.


  1. […] Arose. My thoughts for this Resurrection Sunday are basically the same, though now this year I add Grandpa to the list. Posted in Easter/Resurrection Sunday, Devotional Thoughts, Family and Friends, […]

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